‘Der Architekt: Material der Stadt’ (The Architect: Material of the city)

Dirk E. Hebel in 'Der Architekt' (The Architect)

This edition of ‘Der Architekt’ (The Architect) examines the question of what it means on an iconographic level to reuse materials from buildings for new architecture. Dirk E. Hebel, Professor of Sustainable Construction at KIT Karlsruhe, talks about ‘Ungeheure Möglichkeiten’ (Tremendous possibilities) in this edition of the journal.

Beyond the material dimension of recycling and up-cycling, this edition examines the sign character inherent in each material and building element. How exactly are the connections between meaning and material established and how can these mechanisms be used? In answering these questions, the model of architecture as a language is also to be questioned as to its capacity within this context.

More information here.