M. Sc. Dominik Campanella at sustain.build.repeat. by KIT

2022 Symposium sustain.build.repeat. by the KIT Faculty of Architecture

M. Sc. Dominik Campanella gave a lecture about the digital documentation of materials for the establishment of reuse in the construction sector at the symposium sustain.build.repeat., held by the KIT Faculty of Architecture in April 2022. He emphasized that the companies Restado and Concular see materials and components as a resource and the source of new buildings and products.

video: Pink Event Service GmbH & CO.KG
cut: Natascha Steiner

In his lecture “How building components can already be reused today” at the symposium sustain.build.repeat., he showed newly developed possibilities and strategies of closing material loops in the existing and the future construction sector.

Dominik Campanella studied computer science and management at HEC Paris and then worked for Google in Paris, Zurich, London and Berlin for several years. In 2012, he founded restado.de – today the largest marketplace for reclaimed building materials in Europe. Since 2020, the co-founder and CEO of Concular. A digital platform that enables the recovery of building materials. He is a member of the Leadership Group of the EU Commission for Circular Economy and on the expert board of the DGNB.